Distinguished Merit

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CFA recognizes cats that produce significant numbers of off-spring  that achieve the titles of  Grand Champion (GC) or  Grand Premier (GP), by awarding the title of Distinguished Merit (DM) to the Dam that produces 5 or more "Grands" and to the Sire that produces 15 or more "Grands". The Front Range cats that have achieved the DM title are identified below and are accompanied by the names, photos, and titles of their off-spring.

Front Range Panthalassa DM

Blue Female Somali

Lassa's Grands

RW, GC Front Range Taiga (Blue Female), RW, GP Front Range Bibbili-Bobbidi-Blue (Blue Male), GP Front Range Eidelon (Blue Female),

GP Front Range Kairo (Ruddy Male), GP Front Range Kelvin (Blue Male)


RW, GC Front Range Queen Yuna DM

Ruddy Female Somali

RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 19th Best Adult 2010-2011, CFA Gulf Shore Region's Best Somali 2010-2011, CFA's 2nd Best of Breed Somali 2010-2011

Yuna's Grands

GC Front Range Adelina (Ruddy Female), GP Front Range Ari (Red Male), RW GP Front Range Kirin (Fawn Male)

BW RW GC Front Range Shell Game (Fawn Female), RW GP Front Range Logans Run of JCatlyn (Fawn Male)



GC RW Front Range Tatonka DM

Ruddy Male Somali

CFA's 13th Best Kitten in the Gulf Shore Region 2001-2002, CFA's 2nd Best Somali in the Gulf Shore Region 2001-2002, CFA's First Male Somali DM Including Dilute Grands

Grand Off-Spring Stats: 2 Best of Breed (BW) and 1 2nd Best of Breed, 5 Regional Winner titles (RW), 6 Grand Champions, 10 Grand Premiers, 12 Ruddy and 4 Blue

Tatonka's Grands

Congratulations to Bogey - Tatonka's Sweet 16th Grand!


CH Front Range Bianca DM

Blue Somali Female

Bianca's Grands


CH Front Range Ms Europa DM

Blue Female Abyssinian


CFA's First Single Litter Blue Female Abyssinian DM - All Dilute Off-Spring

Europa's Grands

The Five Littermates That Granded

RW, GRC Front Range Heyzena, GRC Front Range Ms. Europa, GRC Front Range Jupiter Io, GP Front Range Poseidon, and GP Front Range Nimija


Front Range - Grand Champions and Grand Priemers

Name Breed Color
GC Front Range Adelina    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range Ali Pele    Abyssinian    Red
GP Front Range Ari    Somali    Red
GP, RW Front Range Atomic Fireball    Abyssinian    Red
GP Front Range Beaumonde    Somali    Blue
GP Front Range Bibbili Bobbidi Blue    Somali    Blue
GP Front Range Blu Danube    Abyssinian    Blue
GP Front Range Blueprint    Somali    Blue
GC Front Range Cezanne    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range Cheyenne    Abyssinian    Red
GC, RW Front Range Crocodile Tears    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range Curio    Abyssinian    Blue
GC Front Range Danica Hotwheels    Abyssinian    Ruddy
GP Front Range Dudley Do Right    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range Eidolon    Somali    Blue
GP, DM Front Range Europa's Nuit From Zeus    Abyssinian    Blue
GC Front Range Felix    Somali    Ruddy
GC Front Range Goldie Fawn    Somali    Fawn
GC, GP, RW Front Range HeyZena of Sukatz    Abyssinian    Blue
GC Front Range Isis    Somali    Ruddy
GC, RW, BW Front Range Ivy    Somali    Ruddy
GC Front Range Jupiter's Io    Abyssinian    Blue
GP Front Range Kairo    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range Kelvin    Somali    Blue
GP, RW Front Range Kirin    Somali    Fawn
GC Front Range Kodachrome    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range Le Bonton Roulette    Somali    Blue
GP, RW, NW, Front Range Leonard H. McCoy    Somali    Ruddy
GPD, RW, Front Range Logan's Run    Somali    Fawn
GP Front Range Mahalo    Abyssinian    Ruddy
GC Front Range Mahogany Rush  Abyssinian    Ruddy
GC Front Range Memory In Motion    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range Memphis    Abyssinian    Red
GP Front Range Nemeka Maji    Abyssinian    Blue
GP Front Range Olivia    Somali    Ruddy
GC, RW, BW Front Range Onyxpected    Somali    Ruddy
GC Front Range Optical Dilution    Somali    Blue
GP Front Range Posidon    Abyssinian    Blue
GC, RW, DM Front Range Queen Yuna    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range Raspberry Blu Otter Pop    Abyssinian    Blue
GP Front Range Rio  Grigio  Abyssinian    Red
GP Front Range Riptide    Somali    Blue
GC, RW Front Range Saphira    Somali    Blue
GP Front Range Saya Snow    Abyssinian    Blue
GC, RW, BW Front Range Shell Game    Somali    Fawn
GC, RW Front Range Taiga    Somali    Blue
GC, RW, DM, Front Range Tatonka    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range The Mark of Zorro    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range The Night of the Bat    Somali    Ruddy
GC, RW Front Range Tonka's Bogey    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range Urraco    Somali    Ruddy
GP Front Range Wolfgang The Wolfman    Somali    Blue
GP Front Range Urraco    Somali    Ruddy
GP, RW, AW Front Range Zuri Somali Ruddy

























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