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Front Range Awards
Front Range Abyssinians & Somalis has been the home of national, regional, and breed winning Abyssinians & Somalis over our 34 years. Our primary goals are to breed healthy, well-adjusted, happy kittens and cats, that represent the breed standard. Our show accomplishments include CFA's First Fawn Somali to achieve the Breed Win, CFA's First Ruddy Somali female to achieve the Breed Win, CFA's First Somali kitten to achieve a National Win, CFA's First Somali to achieve 2 National Wins, CFA's First Blue Somali female kitten to achieve a Regional Win, CFA's First Fawn Somali female to achieve the title of Grand Champion, and the first CFA dilute (blue) Abyssinian female to become a single litter DM with all dilute offspring. Our cattery has produced / shown 3 Somali Breed Winners, 3 Second Best of Breed Somalis, and 1 Third Best of Breed Somali. Our cattery has produced 5 Distinguished Merit award cats (DM's) - two blue female Somalis, one a ruddy female Somali, one male Somali, and one blue female Abyssinian. We have produced 1 two time National Winner (NW), 19 Regional Winners (RW), and 53 Grands - including 15 dilute Somali grands, and 17 Abyssinian grands. |
Front Range Celebrates Our 34 th Anniversary
Front Range Has Our First and Second Rainbow Litters (Ruddy, Red, Blue & Fawn Littermates)
The Maginificent Seven
The Fantastic Four
2016-2017 Show Season
Front Range Adds 3 Grands, Our 5th DM, and Our 19th RW
DM Front Range Panthalassa
Blue Female Somali
RW GP AC Front Range Zuri
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 22 nd Best Alter for 2016-2017
Ruddy Male Somali - Zuri lives in Colorado with our friend Cheryl
GP Front Range Kairo
Ruddy Male Somali
GP Front Range Kelvin
Blue Male Somali
2015-2016 Show Season
Front Range Becomes a CFA Tier 3 Supreme Cattery - 50 Grands & 4 DMs
RW GP Front Range Logan's Run of Jcatlyn
Fawn Male Somali - Logan lives in Texas with our friends Lyn & Jody
CFA's 1st Somali Grand of Distinction!
RW GP AC Front Range Zuri
RW Southwest Region's 4 th Best Alter for 2015-2016
Front Range's First Agility Champion !
2014-2015 Show Season
3 Somali RWs, 1 Somali DM, and 6 Abyssinian & Somali Grands
RW GC Front Range Taiga
Blue Female Somali
CFA's 1st Blue Female Somali Breed Placement!
CFA's 2nd Best of Breed Somali 2014-2015
CFA's Best Blue Somali 2014-2015
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 14 th Best Cat for 2014-2015
GC Front Range Kodachrome Of Chatoublie
Ruddy Male Somali - Kody lives in South Korea with our friend Jihyun
1 Show Grand Champion
RW GP Front Range Logan's Run of Jcatlyn
Fawn Male Somali
CFA's Best Somali Alter 2014-2015
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 4th Best Cat for 2014-2015
RW GP Front Range Bibbili-Bobbidi-Blue
Blue Male Somali - Bibbles lives in Colorado with our friend Liz
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 18th Best Cat for 2014-2015
CFA's 5 th Best Somali Alter 2014-2015
GC Front Range Adelina
Ruddy Female Somali - Lena has retired to her pet home
GP Front Range Ari - Ari lives in Colorado with our friend Cheryl
Red Male Somali
GP Front Range Eidolon
Blue Female Somali
DM, RW, GC Front Range Queen Yuna
Ruddy Female Somali - Yuna has retired to her pet home
GC Front Range Mahogany Rush Of Lazy O
Ruddy Male Abyssinian - Woody lives in Washington with our friend Jean
2013-2014 Show Season
Front Range Somali Breed Trifecta
(Shelly - Breed Winner, Logan - Best Alter, Urroco - 3 rd Best Kitten)
4 Somali RWs and 6 Abyssinian & Somali Grands
BW RW GC Front Range Shell Game
Fawn Female Somali
CFA's 1st Fawn Somali Breed Winner!
BW CFA Best Somali 2013-2014
CFA's Best Fawn Somali 2013-2014
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 8th Best Cat for 2013-2014
CFA's 1st Fawn Somali Breed Winner
CFA's 1st Dilute Female Somali Breed Winner
(And She is Logan's Sister)
RW GP Front Range Logan's Run of Jcatlyn
Fawn Male Somali
CFA's Best Somali Alter 2013-2014
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 2nd Best Cat for 2013-2014
CFA's Highest Regional Placement for any Dilute Somali
CFA's 5th Best Somali Kitten 2013-2014
(And He is Shelly's Brother)
RW GP Front Range Urroco of Jcatlyn
Ruddy Male Somali - Rocco lives in Texas with our friends Lyn & Jody
CFA's 3rd Best Somali Kitten 2013-2014
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 22nd Best Kitten for 2013-2014
GC Sunnymantle Jolokia of Front Range
Red Male Abyssinian
Breeder: Oksana Prosvirnia
Owners: Kelli Griffin & Gary Shubert
GC Front Range Isis
Ruddy Female Somali - 2 Show Grand! - Isis lives in Japan with our friend Kayo
RW CH GP Front Range Mahalo
Ruddy Male Abyssinian - 1 Show Grand! - Mahalo has retired to his pet home
NW2, RW3, GP Front Range Leonard H. McCoy
Ruddy Male Somali - Bones has retired to his pet home
(See Photos Below from the 2010- 2011 and 2011-2012 Seasons)
RW CFA North Atlantic Region's 25th Best Alter 2013-2014
CFA's 4th Best Somali Alter 2013-2014
2012-2013 Show Season
Front Range Somali Breed Trifecta & 4 RWs
(Kirin - Best Alter, Charger - 2 nd Best Kitten, Rocky -3 rd Best Adult)
GP RW Front Range Kirin
Fawn Male Somali - Kirin has retired to his pet home
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 4th Best Alter for 2012-2013
CFA's Best Somali Alter 2012-2013
RW Front Range Charger of JCatLyn
Ruddy Male Somali
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 10th Best Kitten for 2012-2013
CFA's 2 nd Best Somali Kitten 2012-2013
GC RW Front Range Crocodile Tears
Ruddy Male Somali
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 18th Best Adult for 2012-2013
CFA's 3 rd Best Somali Adult 2012-2013
GC Front Range Danica Hot Wheels
Ruddy Female Abyssinian - Danica has retired to her pet home
RW GP Front Range Mahalo
Ruddy Male Abyssinian
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 24th Best Kitten for 2012-2013
2011-2012 Show Season
Front Range Somali Breed Hat Trick
(Best Kitten, Best Adult, Best Alter)
RW BW GC Front Range Ivy
Ruddy Female Somali - Ivy is enjoying her retirement
CFA's 1st Ruddy Female Somali Breed Winner!
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 4th Best Adult for 2011-2012
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 10th Best Kitten for 2011-2012
CFA's Best Somali Adult 2011-2012
CFA's Best Somali Kitten 2011-2012
Proud Parents
Sire: BW, RW, GC Front Range Onyxpected
Dam: Front Range Holly
NW, RW, GP Front Range Leonard H. McCoy
Ruddy Male Somali (a.k.a. Bones)
NW CFA's 15th Best Alter for 2011-2012
CFA's 1st Somali To Achieve 2 National Winner Titles!
RW CFA North Atlantic Region's 2nd Best Alter 2011-2012
CFA's Best Somali Alter 2011-2012
2010-2011 Show Season
Front Range Somali Breed Purr-fecta
(Best Kitten, 2 nd Best Adult, Best Adult)
NW, RW, GP Front Range Leonard H. McCoy
Ruddy Male Somali (a.k.a. Bones)
NW CFA's 4th Best Kitten for 2010-2011
CFA's 1st Somali Kitten National Winner!
RW CFA North Atlantic Region's Best Kitten 2010-2011
RW CFA North Atlantic Region's 24th Best Alter 2010-2011
CFA's Best Somali Kitten 2010-2011
CFA's 4th Best Somali Alter 2010-2011
Watch My Awards Banquet "Star Trek" Video
RW, GC Front Range Queen Yuna
Ruddy Female Somali
RW CFA Gulf Shore Region's 19th Best Adult 2010-2011
CFA Gulf Shore Region's Best of Breed Somali 2010-2011
CFA's 2nd Best of Breed Somali 2010-2011
Proud Parents
Sire: BW, RW, GC Front Range Onyxpected
Dam: RW, GC Front Range Saphira
CH Front Range Cayman
Red Male Abyssinain - Cayman has retired to his pet home
CFA's Best of Breed Abyssinian Kitten in the Gulf Shore Region for 2010-2011
CFA's 10th Best Abyssinian Kitten 2010-2011
2009-2010 Show Season
RW Front Range Nothing Better To Do
Red Male Somali (a.k.a. Razzle Dazzle) - Razzle has retired to his pet home
CFA's 18th Best Kitten in the Gulf Shore Region for 2009-2010
CFA's Best Somali Kitten 2009-2010
2008-2009 Show Season
GC, BW, RW Front Range Onyxpected
Ruddy Male Somali - Teddy has retired to his pet home
CFA's Best of Breed Somali and Best Ruddy Somali for 2008-2009
CFA's 10th Best Cat in the Gulf Shore Region for 2008-2009
CFA's Best Somali in the Gulf Shore Region for 2008-2009
Teddy has assumed his role as Tonkas replacement as our Somali stud boy.
Teddy carries both blue and red. We are excited to see his kittens in all four colors.
GC, RW Front Range Tonkas Bogey
Ruddy Male Somali - Bogey has retired to his pet home
CFA's 2nd Best of Breed Somali and 2nd Best Ruddy Somali for 2008-2009
CFA's 16th Best Cat in the Southwest Region for 2008-2009
CFA's Best Somali in the Southwest Region for 2008-2009
CFA's 17th Best Kitten in the Southwest Region for 2008-2009
Best Somali Kitten 2008-2009 CFA International Cat Show
GC RW Front Range Tatonka DM
Ruddy Male Somali
2007-2008 Show Season
Rainbow GC !
Front Range Has Grand Championed One or More Somali Of Each Color
2006-2007 Show Season
GP, RW Front Range Atomic Fireball
Red Abyssinian Neuter
CFA's 11th Best Cat in Premiership in the Gulf Shore Region for 2006-2007
2005-2006 Show Season
GC, RW Front Range Saphira
Blue Somali Female
CFA's 1st Blue Somali Female Kitten Regional Winner
CFA's 25th Best Kitten in the Gulf Shore Region 2005-2006
CFA's Best Somali in the Gulf Shore Region 2005-2006
CFA's 2nd Best Blue Somali 2005-2006
2004-2005 Show Season
GC, RW Anerz Yazoo of Front Range
Ruddy Abyssinian Male
CFA's 13th Best Kitten in the Gulf Shore Region 2004-2005
2001-2002 Show Season
GC Front Range Goldie Fawn
Fawn Somali Female
CFA's 1st Fawn Female Somali Grand Champion
CFA's Best Fawn Somali 2001-2002
CFA's Best Somali in the Gulf Shore Region 2001-2002
2000-2001 Show Season
GC, GP, RW Front Range HeyZena
Blue Abyssinian Female
CFA's 12th Best Premier in the Gulf Shore Region 2000-2001